Press release – January 15, 2019

Following our meetings with Russian and Chinese officials, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International sent letters to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling for both countries, as members of the United Nations Security Council, to:

1. Introduce a motion at the United Nations demanding that the UN charter and rule of law be upheld, and that the Republic of Macedonia be immediately admitted under its rightful name, thus permanently ending any attempts at changing it, and;

2. Unequivocally call for the end to the forced, and illegal, implementation of the Prespa Agreement, and that it will veto any change to Macedonia’s name and identity.

MHRMI called for support in defending our basic right to self-determination and explained that Western imperialistic goals of expanding NATO membership – by aiding in Greece’s goals of eradicating the existence of the Macedonian nation – must be urgently stopped.

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

In continued discussions with President Gjorgi Ivanov and his foreign policy advisors, MHRMI, along with our partners in defending Macedonia, reiterated our demands that he immediately take action by supporting the actions mentioned above and by introducing his own UN motion as the Republic of #Macedonia’s head of state.

Further, we call on all UN member-states to adhere to the UN’s own charter by respecting, and defending, the rights of Macedonia and the #Macedonianpeople.

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986.

For more information: 1-416-850-7125,, #OurNameIsMacedonia

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