Answer by a Macedonian on MR….. Vucic’s congratulations for the ethno-genocidial Name Change of MACEDONIA

Instead of fighting together against the injustice and tyranny of globalists who do not respect people, they will change their power, force their puppets, you will first justify the operation in Macedonia. Who’s a liar. You are typing on the people of Macedonia!

I will continue to fight the injustices against Serbia for the Serbian people from Kosovo, not because you are neighbors, not because we have relatives there, but because we are dealing with INJUSTICE. Against injustice, every healthy and normal person needs to stand up and fight. Coward! traitor!

If you do this, the boycott for not buying products from companies close to the authorities in Macedonia that support the Prespa Agreement, which was clearly rejected in the 30th referendum, will be complemented with companies from Serbia. Drop the cubes and the boycott will start and intensify! Hold on! Recognition of Macedonia under another name that is imposed by force from an external factor will only undermine the friendship between the two neighboring countries. And the worse it will create a disagreement between the people of Serbia and Macedonia. Hold on! Do not serve the enemy!

Do not make the same mistake as the previous Macedonian government that recognized Kosovo. The majority of Macedonians disagree with that move and are against it. And as time has shown, Macedonia has not received anything from it. The same thing will happen to you if you recognize the North. The Macedonians rejected the Prespa Treaty, all acts are then criminal. What will you achieve? You will only execute the order and harm our relations. What our common enemy most desires. Do you aim for it? It’s the values ​​of the 21st century!

Replying to Александар Вучић Наместо заедно да се бориме против неправдата и тиранијата на глобалистиве кои не…

Gepostet von Sekula Vojvoda Fan Club am Sonntag, 27. Januar 2019

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